Saturday 10 October 2015

Banana in Constipation

How Does Banana’s works for Constipation

Bananas has dual effect on constipation i.e. eating ripe yellow bananas in moderation will cure constipation and eating unripe, raw green banana will cause constipation. Have a look on below that how banana works to treat constipation.
Bananas are very good source of fiber especially insoluble fiber which reduces constipation. But make sure that drink a lot of water after eating ripe bananas why because fiber in the bananas ends up by hardening your stool and blocking your intestines. A medium size banana contains 3gms of fiber i.e. 10% of the daily recommended fiber that our body needs to prevent constipation.
Bananas effect on the colon depends up on the type of banana you prefer to eat i.e. eating ripe yellow bananas will keep the stool moving through intestines where as eating unripe green bananas will cause constipation due to their high starch content.
They have dual effect on the intestines so it’s always better to eat the ripe bananas in moderation.
They contains large amount of pectin which has binding ability to bind the stools. It pulls out the water molecule from the intestinal tract that leads to rock hard stools.
They also contain potassium which helps in moving the bowels and makes easy to pass the stool to cure constipation.
Bananas are rich in nutrition, contain an enzyme called fructooligosaccharide that hinders the fermentation of bananas once they are in your intestinal track (aids for natural digestion) and natural mild laxative which helps to prevent the constipation and gives energy.
How to Apply Bananas to treat Constipation
Bananas can be used in many ways to treat constipation. Let’s see how to use bananas for the prevention of constipation.

Method – 1: (Bananas)

Take a ripe banana and peel it off

Eat the peeled banana for 2 – 3 times a day to get clear the constipation
But make sure that not to take the unripe banana as it cause constipation and makes the situation too worse.
Regularly follow up this process of eating ripe bananas to get relief from the constipation.

Method – 2: (Banana with Warm Milk)

Take a ripe banana and peel it off

Cut the banana into slices and mix it in a glass of warm milk
Chew the banana carefully while drinking the warm milk
Repeat the same process regularly to get clear the constipation.

Banana for Constipation and Diarrhea

Bananas helps to treat diarrhea why because bananas contain pectin, a complex carbohydrate which increases the water absorption from the  intestines and this pectin decreases the number of loose, watery stools the people with diarrhea experiences. So, it’s recommended to eat the unripe green banana whenever you face the diarrhea to treat it completely.
They also help to treat constipation why because bananas are rich source of fiber which reduces the constipation. So, it’s recommended to eat the ripe banana which keeps the stool moving through the intestine.

Banana for Constipation in Babies

Avoid putting or giving bananas to your babies or infants as it causes constipation. Even for toddlers also avoid giving the food that consists of BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and toast). Always ask children’s specialist and then start giving them the essential food that prevents constipation as BRAT prevents diarrhea.

Bananas Cause Constipation

Yes, even bananas can cause constipation in the following cases like when it is eaten unripe or raw bananas or when eaten plenty of bananas with little amount of water or poor dietary eating habits coupled with banana eating.  So, it’s always better to have ripe 2 – 4 bananas to eat in moderation with enough water that cures the constipation.
Banana is not a seasonal fruit and it is available in all seasons so, cure your constipation by following these banana remedies. Always feel free to ask your queries about this topic and share your known remedies other than these with us.

bananas cause constipation

bananas regulate diarrhea and constipation

Well, they're all right... and wrong. Fortunately, the wisdom of Oriental medicine can easily explain bananas and constipation, providing the reason why bananas seem to both cause and cure constipation.
If you look elsewhere on this site, you'll see that constipation can be due to a few different imbalances in your body. These include what Oriental medicine calls "cold" and "heat".
"Cold" is an analogy for having too little energy (which is warm) for your digestive system to properly digest / eliminate food. Hence, too little energy to move your stools... so you're constipated.
"Heat" in your body is a condition that can show up as dryness of your intestines and dry stools ("heat" dries up fluid)... also leading to constipation.

So why do bananas relieve and cause constipation?

Here's why. Bananas are said to be "cold" ... in other words, they cause that "cold" condition in your body I mentioned above. And, simply put, they counter the "heat" type of condition. So...
...if you have the "heat" type of constipation, bananas may help relieve your constipation. But, if you have the "cold" type of constipation, your problem's probably going to get worse.
Bear in mind, bananas can cause diarrhea (an excessively "cold" condition), which would seem to be a "cure" for constipation... but it's not. Diarrhea is a disease condition, too. It just means your digestion / elimination is so weak ("cold") it's not processing fluids properly, and the fluid is now leaving with the stools.
This is why Chinese Dietary Principles recommends a diet that emphasizes "neutral" foods. That way of eating won't lead you toward an excess "heat" or "cold" condition in your body, and will help you recover from either one of those imbalances

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