Tuesday 5 January 2016

Garlic Health Benefits

Garlic a Natural Anti Histamine for Allergies

summer allergies are flaring this year, pharmaceutical allergy medicines are flying off the shelves, and I know because I went to get a box at my pharmaceutical store and they were all out. This left me with one other choice, which was a home herbal remedy known as garlic.

How Can Garlic Treat Allergies

Garlic unbelievably is an anti histamine super food that has the ability to help relieve and treat allergy symptoms such as difficulty breathing, stuffy noses, sneezing and watery eyes. Garlic is one of the best natural decongestants you can use during allergy season to help relieve sinus pressure as well due to the strong aroma it has. It also helps relieve chest coughing, hives, rashes, itching skin and puffy eyes too. The high amounts of antioxidants and essential healing oils in garlic are what help boost the immune system during allergy flare-ups so it is able to fight off histamine better reducing the severity of your allergy symptoms. This is why garlic is an excellent anti histamine.

What Causes Allergens and How Garlic Can Help

Allergens that cause allergy flare-ups are pet dander, pollen, dust, molds and sometimes foods. Allergens are free radical cells that cause the immune system to go crazy triggering allergy symptoms. The way garlic works to treat allergies is by helping the immune system work normally by attacking the free radical cells known as allergens and removing them completely from the blood stream naturally.

Using Garlic as a Remedy

The best way to use garlic to treat and relieve allergy symptoms naturally is by peeling and chopping up 3 to 5 garlic cloves and mixing them with 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey until you get a thick syrup with small chunks. Next, you simply scoop the garlic honey syrup into your mouth and swallow it down until it is gone. You repeat this process 3 to 4 times a day until you allergy symptoms are relieved or less server. However, if you do not like consuming raw garlic this way you can take garlic supplements instead 3 times per day or as directed on the back of the supplement bottle.

Side Effects from Garlic

Some of the possible side effects of garlic are gas, nausea, dizziness, upset stomach, diarrhea, headaches and sweating. Sometimes garlic can make you smell like it if you consume too much of it. In rare cases, some people are allergic to garlic. In these cases, garlic should not be used to treat allergies naturally. Before using garlic to relieve your allergy symptoms naturally, it is best to talk to your doctor to make sure it is right for you because garlic can interact with medications such as blood thinners.

Does Garlic Help Allergies & Sinus Problems?

Sinus problems are often the result of a cold virus, upper respiratory tract infection or allergy. Conventional medicine offers treatment for the symptoms of allergies and sinus but there is no medicine available at present to prevent the condition from occurring. There are, however, several medicinal plants which seem to prevent the problems of allergies and sinus, and of these garlic appears to be the most promising.

Allergies And Sinus
An allergy is the exaggerated reaction of your immune system to a foreign substance. Pollens, dust mites, mold and food are examples of allergens, or substances that may cause allergic symptoms. About 35 million Americans -- 6 million of whom are children -- suffer from allergic rhinitis which is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in your nose. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sinusitis is also a very common problem affecting 29.3 million Americans in 2009. The condition occurs when the mucous lining in the cavities of the head, which are attached to the nasal passages become inflamed.
Garlic is an herb rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that play an important role in destroying the free radicals produced by environmental toxins such as ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoke and air pollution. Due to this antioxidant property, garlic is beneficial in providing relief from sinus congestion resulting from exposure to environmental allergies. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends garlic for relief from symptoms of cold and sinus.

Can You Cure Allergies with Garlic?
Garlic bulbs on a wooden cutting board. Photo Credit Olgaorly/iStock/Getty Images
Allergies, according to the Mayo Clinic, are your body's reaction to something it perceives as foreign, such as pollen, pet dander or medication. In response to the perceived threat, your body releases histamines, which cause a chain of events that are meant to stop the foreign invader from causing harm. Unfortunately, minor allergies can cause chronic histamine release, leading to a runny nose, sneezing, itching, coughing and headaches. Certain allergens, like dust and pollen generally can't be avoided, but you can use natural substances like garlic to decrease or stop reacting in a way that makes you ill.

Step 1
Add fresh garlic to your favorite cooked meals. According to the University of Maryland, garlic can help strengthen your immune system, making you more resistant to colds and allergens. Using fresh garlic in soups, stews, rice and pasta can help you include garlic in your diet without having to take it in capsule form. This way, you can enjoy the maximum health benefits fresh garlic provides

Step 3
Take a garlic supplement in capsule form, according to manufacturer's directions. The University of Maryland says that not all garlic supplements have the same concentration of garlic and may not share the same effectiveness. Look for a supplement that specifically contains "aged garlic," which has beneficial substances that are more easily absorbed by your body than other kinds of garlic. These sulfur-based substances have been found to help prevent cardiovascular disease and also have other health-improving benefits. Using a garlic supplement can make it easier for you to use garlic to treat your allergies, without the odor.

Step 4
Bake a head of garlic, cut in half and basted with olive oil, in a terra cotta garlic roaster. Baked garlic is versatile, and the heated garlic becomes soft and spreadable, for use on crackers or to make your own homemade garlic bread. Allow the garlic to cool after baking for 10 to 15 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and squeeze the garlic bulbs to release the soft cloves. Store the cloves in a resealable container and enjoy them as a condiment or spread. Garlic has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties, and if you're worried about your breath, chew on a piece of parsley after eating garlic.

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