Tuesday 16 April 2013

Health Benefits of Dried Black Mission Fig

Quraan Fruits

What Are the Health Benefits of Dried Black Mission Figs?

Dried black mission figs are surprising in salads and curried entrees, explosions of unexpected sweetness. When fully dried and pulverized they are so intensely sweet that they can be substituted for sugar — measure for measure — in cookies, cakes and quick breads. Clearly dried mission figs, very high in both glucose and fructose, are a good natural quick-energy source. But figs offer much bigger and better health benefits.

High Fiber

Dried black mission figs are very high in fiber, containing about 9.8 grams of fiber in a 100-gram serving, or about two-thirds cup. That’s about half of the daily recommendation for women older than 50, and one-third the recommended amount for men in the same age group. Found mainly in fruits, vegetables and grains, indigestible fiber creates softer, bulkier stools and promotes “regularity” — especially when consumed with lots of water — but also lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Increased fiber in the diet reduces blood pressure and inflammation. It also helps with weight control, because high-fiber foods help people feel fuller longer and actually slow digestion.Medical grade compression shapewear For post pregnancy & weight loss

Fat Free

Because they are completely fat free, dried black mission figs are safe dietary staples for people who need to greatly reduce fat in their diet due to concerns about heart health and high cholesterol. Fats are very high in calories — very “calorie dense” — so focusing instead on naturally low-fat and fat-free vegetables and fruits, including figs, makes it easy to create a very diverse, nutrient-rich and satisfying low-calorie diet.

Vitamins and Minerals

Dried black mission figs include a wide array of vitamins and minerals, or nutrients your body needs for normal growth and development. Among the essential vitamins — organic nutrients — people obtain from foods, figs offer a small amount of vitamin C and most B vitamins. They are more impressive when it comes to essential minerals, or inorganic elements obtained from the earth through plants, very high in iron, and also notable for some calcium and potassium.


The best way to enrich your diet with antioxidants and other plant-based Phytonutrients is from whole foods, not supplements, because scientists have found that these beneficial chemicals work in concert. Phytonutrients are believed to lower the risk of chronic diseases, heart disease and specific cancers, though just how is not yet understood. This is why nutrition experts tell us to eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits — and in every color of the rainbow, because different colors point to different specific health benefits.

According to the Nutrition MD website, blue and purple fruits and vegetables — a category that includes black mission figs — are particularly high in poly phenols and anthologists, antioxidants believed to slow aging, improve urinary tract health, improve memory and reduce the risk of some cancers.

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