Saturday 13 April 2013

How To Eat Figs Fresh

Quraan Fruits

Fresh figs are great eaten as is. Some people say fresh figs taste like a mix of a peach and a strawberry! However, sometimes fresh figs are hard to find, as they are extremely delicate and don’t travel well.

Green Figs

The trees produce a small, early crop. There is a second and much bigger crop, which is when most figs are more readily available. In southern areas of the United States this occurs from July on through until frost stops production. In more northern locations, fig trees may only produce one crop per season, generally in August or later.

Fresh, ripe figs should be fairly soft, but not mushy. A perfectly ripe fig is heavy for its size and usually oozing a bit of sugary syrup. Sometimes these natural sugars appear as surface sugar crystals. This is a natural phenomenon and does not indicate spoilage. If you want to remove the sugar crystals:

Place 1/2 cup figs in a microwave-safe dish.
Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon water.
Cover loosely and microwave on high for one minute.

The color of figs varies from green, brown, yellow to purple or almost black, depending on the variety of fig. The size also varies depending on the variety.

Ripened figs can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days, but they should be eaten as soon as possible after you buy them. They ferment readily, and should also be checked for mold.

You can use a sharp knife or a pair of scissors to cut up figs. If the knife gets sticky, run it under hot water to remove the fig syrup.

If you find fresh figs that are hard or dried out, they should be used in recipes where they are poached or macerated. Keep in mind that figs do not continue to ripen once picked, so if they’re unripe when you buy them, they’re going to stay that way.

If it doesn’t look like you’re going to use up your fresh figs right away, they can also be kept in the freezer for up to one year.

When You Can’t Find Fresh Healthy Figs, Try Dried Ones

Since it’s sometimes difficult to find fresh figs, dried figs are a good option. They can be eaten as is for a sweet treat.

Dried figs can also be soaked to soften them, or cooked by themselves or with any other dried fruits. They are good stewed, and are usually sweet enough to require little or no sugar.

Buy natural dried figs that don’t have any sulfite or potassium sorbate preservatives. You get more fruit for your money with preservative-free figs because the preservatives make the fruit retain up to 30% more water. It’s better to be eating the figs than perservatives anyway!

Natural dried figs will be darker in color than those with perservatives. The flavor is also more concentrated, and of course they are also more nutrient dense since they don’t have so much water. They’re also chewier.

Dried figs can be stored in the original sealed package at room temperature for a month. For longer storage, keep them in the refrigerator, six months to a year. Opened dried figs should be transferred to a sealable plastic bag or some kind of airtight container and stored in the refrigerator. They are best used within a year of purchase.

Sometimes a powder forms on dried figs. This is the fruit’s natural sugar in a crystalline form and is edible.

10 Reasons Pregnant Women Should Eat More Figs!

Figs are one of the oldest cultivated fruits around, dating back to at least 5,000 B.C. Revered since ancient times for their aphrodisiac properties, in many cultures figs are considered a symbol of fertility: split apart, they are said to resemble the female genitalia, left whole, the male genitalia. In fact, the Ancients thought the milky-white substance (actually a natural latex) which drips from the cut stem represented the “universal energy” and it was used to treat infertility and promote healthy lactation. However, there seems to be some truth to the lore. Here are ten fascinating facts about these nutritional powerhouses that make them an incredible addition to anyone’s diet, but particularly to the pregnant woman’s.

1. Figs have a higher overall mineral profile than any other common fruit or vegetable. They are particularly high in calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc, key nutrients for a healthy pregnancy.

2. The high potassium content of figs may help to control blood pressure and therefore, the hypertension associated with preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy condition.

3. The mineral content of figs closely resembles that of human breast milk!

4. Figs have the highest fiber content of any common fruit. Rich in both insoluble and soluble fiber, figs really help to mitigate the constipation so common during pregnancy.

5. Figs contain a proteolytic enzyme that also aids in digestion, which is naturally slowed during pregnancy.

6. Figs are highly alkaline, and therefore alkalizing, which has been shown to help curb cravings. This may help control those less-than-healthy urges that can sabotage a healthy pregnancy diet.

7. Figs are high in vitamin B6, which has long been thought to be beneficial in alleviating morning sickness.

8. Even the leaves of figs are therapeutic: ingesting them has been shown to reduce and even eliminate the need for insulin in diabetic patients. Therefore, ingesting them may help to control or avoid a case of gestational diabetes. Furthermore, this ability to balance blood sugar levels should help to relieve a whole host of symptoms – from morning sickness to mood swings.

9. Dried figs contain significant amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to the optimal development of the fetus. Consuming ample Omega-3’s during pregnancy is also associated with a lower incidence of pre-term labor and premature delivery.

10. Psoralens, a chemical found in figs, has been used to treat many skin pigmentation problems and may be beneficial in preventing melasma, the “mask of pregnancy”.

So now that you’re convinced of the amazing nutritional power of figs…what are the best ways to eat them?

Figs are harvested in the U.S. from June to September, but dried figs are available all year long. I think figs are delicious as is, but they are also a wonderful addition to smoothies and salads: blend a handful of figs with a cup of almond milk and a large, ripe banana, for a thick, rich, and creamy “shake”; or throw some chopped figs on a bed of arugula and fennel and lightly drizzle with balsamic vinegar….the possibilities are endless. But, in my opinion, the BEST way to eat a fig is straight from the tree, warmed by the sun. Mmmm.

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