Thursday, 3 March 2016

Cholesterol Diet

Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol? Maybe you have not already been diagnosed, but have a nagging feeling your cholesterol may be too high. A properly planned cholesterol diet can help keep your cholesterol under control without the need for medications.

Important Note: If your Doctor has prescribed cholesterol lowering medications do not cease taking them to try a cholesterol lowering diet without visiting your doctor. You Doctor can advise you if a low cholesterol diet plan alone will be effective, or if you need to continue on the medication for now.

What is High Cholesterol?

As we prepare to go on a cholesterol lowering diet it is imperative we understand what we are trying to accomplish. There are two separate types of cholesterol:

Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – Considered the “bad cholesterol”.
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – Referred to by some researchers as “good cholesterol”.
The difference between these two forms of cholesterol is stark. The LDL cholesterol is the substances which can build-up as fatty deposits in your arteries eventually causing cardiovascular diseases.

HDL cholesterol can actually aid in reducing the overabundance of LDL cholesterol in the body. It plays a crucial role in transporting excess cholesterol to the liver for disposal.

When your physician states you have high cholesterol it will almost always be the LDL he is referring to. In the past the target for cholesterol was to keep it under 200 mg/Dl. The range of 200-240 was considered borderline risk, with anyone exceeding the 240 mg/Dl level at high risk. In recent years as testing procedures have allowed a closer separation of LDL and HDL levels these numbers have been revised. Currently doctors recommend their patients attempt to maintain a cholesterol level below 100 mg/Dl.

If you are at higher risk of coronary or cardiovascular disease you doctor may recommend an upper limit of 70 mg/Dl.


What causes high cholesterol levels? There are two basic underlying causes for the vast majority of people. The first cause is one we have little control over, heredity. We cannot change the genes we were born with, but we can change our lifestyles to offset the effects.

The second and more important cause is our diet. The normal eating habits of most Americans is high in fats. This high amount of dietary fat, especially saturated fats, leads to elevated cholesterol. This is where a cholesterol diet becomes necessary. We can change our cholesterol levels dramatically by changing the way we eat.

About Low-Cholesterol Heart Healthy Diets

In order for us to begin lowering cholesterol naturally we must quit eating foods high in cholesterol and saturated fats.

What Are The Symptoms of High Cholesterol?

High cholesterol levels are sneaky. Having high cholesterol does not cause any symptoms it is simply a contributor to other serious health conditions. Since high cholesterol does not cause symptoms it is important to have regular testing done.

Doctors commonly recommend having a Lipoprotein profile ran every five years once you pass the age of 20. As you become older, or overweight, your doctor may start requesting a lipoprotein profile to determine your cholesterol levels every year.

What Should Be Included and Eliminated in My Low Cholesterol Diet Plan?

Let us start off with the fun side of the discussion of a low cholesterol diet. You should begin including more of the following foods in your diet:

Fresh Fruits – Replace snacks and desserts with fresh fruits or mixed fruit salads.
Fresh Vegetables – Vegetables contain almost zero fat and no cholesterol. Certain elements in vegetables can even help reduce your cholesterol levels.
Nuts – Walnuts, almonds, and cashews all are filled with healthy fats and oils which can actually help lower your LDL. Make sure you do not choose nuts which were processed in oils.
Fish and Seafood– Many types of fish and seafood are extremely low in fat. Other fish are rich in Omega 3 oils which can contribute to lowering cholesterol. These fatty fish include:

Lake Trout

Foods Rich in Soluble Fiber – These include oatmeal, oat bran, kidney beans, barley, prunes, apples, and many other foods.
On the opposite side, you will need to reduce or eliminate foods which are high in saturated fats including:

High fat red meats. (Low fat cuts are acceptable in moderation.)
Foods cooked with saturated fats including hydrogenated vegetable oils.
Cream, Butter, Hard Cheese, Lard, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Meat Drippings.
Pastries, biscuits, cakes, and other baked items made with high amounts of saturated fats.
Using Supplements to Assist In Lowering Your Cholesterol

You can add some supplements to your diet which can assist in reducing cholesterol. Supplements rich in plant sterols and stanols will help. Another supplement being studied carefully is glutathione. In a study done in Israel to study to study the benefits of taking glutathione on mice was very promising. Continued research is being done on the effects in humans.

The most important thing to remember is you can reduce your cholesterol levels by using a well planned cholesterol diet. By eating properly you may be able to stay away from expensive cholesterol medications and their potential side effects.

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