Friday 26 February 2016

Diabetes And Homeopathic treatment

Diabetes and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicines

Self treatment scheme for Diabetes

Take these eleven homeopathic medicines (as a cure for diabetes mellitus) according to my direction. I am optimistic that my formula will give a full cure for 95% of diabetic patients. Although few cases will not get full cure ; still they will get ten fold better result than any other healing systems. You should take each of these medicines every time for one week only. Take these medicines repeatedly in a cyclical way (i.e. after no.- 11 start again from no.- 1). You can double the dose (i.e. 20 drops) if your sugar level is much higher. All the rules and regulations are same for the kids and teens but you can reduce their dose to 5 drops if their sugar level is not much higher. . Yea, it is better to take all homeopathic medicines in empty stomach ; but you can take them after meal if you forget. You can take these homeopathic medicines along with other allopathic or herbal medicines (whether they may be tablet, capsule or injection). It will not cause any trouble. But it is better to take all homeopathic medicines half an hour before or after other medicines. You should reduce the dose of other diabetic medicines to half when your diabetic condition
has sufficiently improved and totally stop all those rubbish medicines when the sugar level comes to normal. Try to buy Germany or U.S.A. made medicines. 

You can exclude any of these eleven medicines if it seems don't helping or causing undesirable side-effects (like acidity, allergy, pain, sexual over excitement etc) or is not available in the local market. Continue rest of the medicines according to their suggested order or serial. Do not change my recommendation on potency and dose, but you can take the nearest (and the lowest) potency if the recommended potency is not available in the local market. In homeopathic potencies, Q means mother tincture, that means the lowest potency (that means one or zero). As we all know, the lowest potencies (like Q, 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 3C, 6C, 3, 6 etc) usually causes less side-effects. If any of these medicines are available in pill or pellet form, you should take them in same dose ; that means take 10 pills or pellets in lieu of 10 drops. You should know that the names of the homeopathic medicines are universal (that means they could be found with the same name in every country). Always try to buy liquid medicines and take them mixing with water ; because homeopathic medicines are more effective in liquid form. In some rare cases, you may need to consult a homeopathic specialist to be able to use more precisely selected medicines (which best suit with your physical and mental make-up). You will need to take these medicines at least one to two years (or little longer) for a full cure. Inshallah, My FORMULA will reverse your biological system to it's previous good condition (and consequently you will need not to take any diabetic medicines till death). When you are free from diabetes (and other related complications), then stop these eleven medicines and start taking these new thirteen medicines (Natrum sulphuricum, Nux vomica, Kali phosphorica, Natrum muriaticum, Acidum Picricum, Iodium, Calcarea Phosphorica, Crataegus oxyacantha, Sanicula, Magnesia Phosphorica, Alfalfa, Calcarea fluor, Vanadium) for at least one year or more in similar potency and style (but the dose will be 5 drops or 5 pills twice daily). These thirteen medicines will purify, repair and restore your body and mind to its previous good condition (and will end the possibility of the return of diabetes and other killer diseases). (N.B.- Must obey the diet rules & exercise for rest of your life.) 

{Removing the causes of diabetes :- At the same time we need to remove the underlying cause of diabetes. If you got diabetes after a mental shock, you should take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Natrum muriaticum 1M, then after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Natrum muriaticum 10M and then after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Natrum muriaticum 50M.If you got diabetes after vaccines, you should take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Thuja occidentalis 1M, then again after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Thuja occidentalis 10M and then after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop or 10 pills) of Thuja occidentalis 50M. If you have a family history of diabetes, you should take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Syphilinum 1M, then after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Syphilinum 10M and then again after one month of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Syphilinum 50M. If you have a family history of tuberculosis or Asthma or in the habit of catching cold frequently, you should take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Bacillinum 1M, then after two months of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Bacillinum 10M and then again after three months of interval take one dose (i.e. one drop) of Bacillinum 50M. All these 4 causative medicines must not be taken more than 3 doses. You can start taking these causative medicines any time you wish. But you should not take them together with other medicine. Rather you should take them one hour before or after other medicines.}

[ It is a fact that none but a homeopathic specialist can offer a real cure for diabetes. But the proportion of the number of homeopathic specialist in the whole world in comparison with the billions of diabetic patients is very tiny. That's why I have developed such a ''SELF TREATMENT FORMULA'' which will help these vast number of suffering people and will not harm them. At first I have to select such medicines which has very positive effect on diabetes and on the contrary less side-effects. Then I have to serialize them in such a way that one will not interact with other and one will not damage the effect of it's previous medicine. Actually diabetes is not a single disease, rather its a group of diseases (I mean, many troubles jointly promotes diabetes). And that's why, a homeopathic physician needs to apply all available weapons to fight this virulent enemy of mankind. Don't be surprised if these eleven medicines at the same time also cure your other associated terrible diseases (like high blood pressure, asthma, obesity, kidney diseases, heart diseases etc) along with diabetes ! Because most of these eleven medicines also have very positive effects on our heart, lungs, kidney, liver, brain, stomach, nerve, hormonal glands, blood, sexual organs, eyes, bones etc.). 

Many people are writing to me enquiring how to collect these homeopathic medicines. These eleven homeopathic medicines are actually the most common homeo medicines. You can buy them from any homeopathic pharmacy. As far as I know, homeopathic medicines are available in most of the major cities in the world. If these are not available in your area, then you can collect them by ordering to many companies over e-mail. In this regards, these following three links may greatly help you :-

Homeopathic  Remedies For Diabetes

(1)  Acidum  Phosphoricum            Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

First  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily  in  first  week.  Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of  
(2)  Gymnema  sylvestra                 Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6    

Then  take this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily  in   second  week. Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of
(3)  Arsenicum  bromatum              Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take    this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily in   third  week.  Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of  
(4)   Syzygium  Jambos                   Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily  in fourth  week.   Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of  
(5)  Rhus  aromaticum                  Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily  in fifth  week.  Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of  water
(6)   Alfalfa                                     Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  20  drops   morning  and afternoon  in  sixth  week.   Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of   water
(7)  Chimaphila umbellata            Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily  in seventh  week.  Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of 
 (8)   Hydrastis  canadensis             Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   morning  and afternoon  in  eighth  week.   Mixing  with  half  of  a  
glass of  water)
(9)  Uranium  nitricum                    Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Then  take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily  in ninth  week.  Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of  water
(10)  Thyroidinum                         3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Take  this  homeopathic  medicine  1 pill   02  times  daily  in  tenth  week.)     
(11)   Iodium                                           Q/3x/6x/12x/3c/6c/3/6

Take  this  homeopathic  medicine  10  drops   03  times  daily in  eleventh  week.  Mixing  with  half  of  a  glass  of  water.   

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