Friday 26 February 2016

Diabetes And Homeopathic treatment

Diabetes Homeopathic Remedies

 Curare [cur] as natural diabetes remedy

 This diabetic remedy is encouraging to treat using its fourth dilution. It can be useful for Glycosuria (untreated diabetes mellitus) with motor paralysis. Tired pain up and down spine, Arms weak, heavy. Curare decreases the adrenaline secretion.

 Suggested dosage is sixth to thirtieth potency.

 Homeopathy materia medica for Curare

 Insulin [Ins]as natural diabetes remedy

 This diabetes remedy is a Pancreatic juice (on a glycerin base); a dosage of 10 to 20 drops a day in water can produce sufficient good results to diabetic patents. Pancreatic juice takes orally as a remedy of great value in diabetes. Homeopathic strength of insulin is 3d to 30th, reports of happy results from there. Be careful must not take an overdose. Boericke says that it keeps the blood sugar at a normal level, and the urine remains free of sugar. Hypodermic use of this hormone may produce epileptic convulsions and mental derangements.

 Homeopathy materia medica for Insulin

 Uranium nitrate [Uran]as natural diabetes remedy

 This remedy is for diabetes originating in dyspepsia. It has polyuria, polydypsia, dryness of the mouth and skin. It causes sugar in the urine. This remedy gives universally good results; it lessens the sugar and quantity of the urine. Symptoms such as defective digestion, debility, much sugar in the urine, enormous appetite and thirst, yet the patient continues to emaciate.

 Suggested dosage is second trituration.

 Homeopathy materia medica for Uranium nitrate

 Phosphoric acid [Phos]as natural diabetes remedy

 This diabetes remedy is for diabetes with nervous origin. The common acid "debility" is marked in this remedy, producing nerve exhaustion. Mental debility followed by physical. Urine: frequent, profuse, watery, or milky. It suits cases because of grief, worriment, and anxiety, those who are indifferent and apathetic. It is unquestionably curative of diabetes mellitus in the early stages. There will be a loss of appetite, sometimes-unquenchable thirst and perhaps the patient will be trouble with boils. Pale colorless urine or many phosphatic deposits in the urine then it is the remedy. It thus may be a remedy in the form known as diabetes insipidus.

 Suggested dosage is first potency.

 Homeopathy materia medica for Phosphoric acid

 Lactic acid [Lact]as natural diabetes remedy

 A natural remedy for the gastro hepatic variety of diabetes and good results often follow its use. It has a fine clinical record. The symptoms urinate plentiful and freely, urine light yellow and saccharine, thirst, nausea, debility, having a huge appetite and Suffering from constipating bowels. General signs are dry skin & tongue, and pain in stomach or in the abdominal region.

 Suggested dosage is third to thirtieth potency.

 Homeopathy materia medica - Lactic acid

 Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]as natural diabetes remedy

 A natural diabetes remedy for certain forms of anemia, chlorosis, many disturbances of the alimentary tract and skin. Great debility; most weakness felt in the morning in bed, severe liability to take cold. General signs are dry mucous membranes, constrictive sensation throughout the body, weakness and weariness and oversensitive to all sorts of influences. This remedy is useful for Hyperthyroidism, Goitre, Addison's disease, and Diabetes.

 Suggested dosage is twelfth to a thirtieth, and higher,

 highest potencies often yield most brilliant results and in occasional dosage.

 Homeopathy materia medica for Natrum muriaticum

 Chionanthus virginica [Chion]as natural diabetes remedy

 This diabetic remedy is of service in many types of headaches, neurasthenic, periodical sick, menstrual and bilious. Taken for several weeks, drop doses, will often break up the sick headache habit. There is a pain in the forehead, chiefly over eyes. Eye signs are eyeballs painful with pressure over the root of the nose. Abdominal signs are pain, no appetite, and bilious colic. Liver signs are hepatic derangement and the region tender, Jaundice, Jaundice with arrest of menses, a prominent liver remedy. It is also useful for Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic disease, and other glandular disorders.

 Suggested dosage is Tincture and first attenuation.

 Homeopathy materia medica - Chionanthus virginica

 Ferrum iodatum [Ferr-i]as natural diabetes remedy

 This diabetic remedy is useful to Scrofulous affections, glandular enlargements, and tumors. There are crops of boils, acute nephritis following eruptive diseases. Female signs are uterine displacements, exophthalmic goitre following suppression of menses. Body emaciated (become extremely thin) because of Anemia, debility following drain on vital forces. Skin sign is impetigo of the cheek. Excretory signs are urine dark, sweet smelling, crawling sensation in urethra and rectum, difficulty in holding urine, Incontinence in anemic children.

 Suggested dosage is third trituration, does not keep long.

 Homeopathy materia medica - Ferrum iodatum

 Grindelia robusta [Grin]as natural diabetes remedy

 Both Grindelia robusta and Grindelia squarrosa are useful as diabetes remedies for the symptoms here recorded. There is almost no difference in their action, although the G. Squarrosa has more splenic symptoms. General signs induce paralysis, beginning in extremities, Produces a paresis of the pneumo-gastric, interfering with respiration, smothering after falling asleep. Its action is on the heart first quickening, and then retarding it. This remedy is useful for Asthmatic conditions, chronic bronchitis, Bronchorrhoea with tough mucus, raises the blood pressure, nausea and retching of gastric ulcer, sugar in urine.

 Suggested dosage is a tincture in 1 to 15 drop doses, also lower potencies.

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