Sunday 28 February 2016

Low blood pressure medication

Low blood pressure in healthy individuals without any undesirable symptoms or organ damage needs no treatment. However, individuals whose blood pressure has a major drop from their usual range should need evaluation even without symptoms.


The best treatment option for low blood pressure treatment is solving the underlying cause, such as dehydration, heart failure, diabetes, or hypothyroidism. When low-pressure is due to a medication side effect, usually treatment is a change in dosage or stops it.
Your doctor needs to identify the low blood pressure cause, because it is a must for proper treatment.
Treatment for low blood pressure due to dehydration is with fluid and minerals (electrolytes) replacement. Treat mild dehydration (without nausea and vomiting) with oral fluids and electrolytes. Hospitalization is required for moderate to severe dehydration with intravenous fluids and electrolytes. Fludrocortisone is also useful to raise blood pressure by reducing sodium excretion, increasing heart rate and force when there is a requirement.
Treatment for low blood pressure due to blood loss (anemia) is with intravenous blood transfusions or medication to increase hemoglobin. Continuous and severe bleeding needs immediate treatment. Erythropoietin is best for low blood pressure treatment, if the cause is due to anemia.
Treat postural hypotension with lifestyle changes such as increasing water, salt intake, caffeine beverages, and using compression stockings to press the leg veins thus reducing blood pooling in the leg veins. In some patients with low blood pressure with undesirable symptoms needs medication. Orthostatic or postural hypotension occurs when there is a sudden and significant decrease in the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure when a person stands up. It occurs within three minutes of standing. It is due to abnormal blood pressure regulation, which is more common with aging. Pyridostigmine and Caffeine are the best choice for orthostatic or postural hypotension.
Muscle weakness disease (e.g. myasthenia gravis) can cause low blood pressure. Pyridostigmine is useful in improving muscle strength thus helps to relieve fatigue, the most common symptom of hypotension. Postprandial hypotension refers to low blood pressure occurring after meals. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as Ibuprofen (Motrin) or indomethacin (Indocin) may be beneficial.
For nerve, related low blood pressure Midodrine works by stimulating nerve endings in blood vessels, causing the blood vessels to tighten.  In particular, it is for individual’s hypotension caused by kidney dialysis and for children with an infection. It is also for a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome and hepatopulmonary syndrome.
Septic shock is a serious condition that occurs when an overwhelming infection leads to life-threatening low blood pressure. It requires emergency treatment with intravenous fluids and antibiotics.
Bradycardia (a disorder of too slow heart rhythm) may be due to a medication side effect. In such a case of low blood pressure, your doctor needs to reduce, change or stop the medication that is behind the cause. Treat bradycardia due to sick sinus syndrome or heart block with an implantable pacemaker.
Tachycardia is a disorder of the heart rate (pulse) or heart rhythm, such as beating too fast. Treat atrial fibrillation with oral medications, electrical cardio-version, or pulmonary vein isolation (a catheterization procedure). Treat ventricular tachycardia with medications or with an implantable defibrillator.
Low blood pressure can easily control by hypotension guidelines, if still not normalizes (raise to normal), then some people need hypotension medication to maintain the normal blood pressure.
Take low blood pressure medicines as the lost option if your hypotension guidelines, low BP diets, and low BP exercises fail to produce results.


There are different types of medications are available for the low blood pressure treatment based on their causes; they are:
Fludrocortisone is for orthostatic hypotension low blood pressure that occurs when you stand up. This drug helps boost your blood volume, which raises blood pressure.
Midodrine (Orvaten, Proamatine)
Midodrine (Orvaten, Proamatine) can raise standing blood pressure levels in people with chronic orthostatic hypotension. It works by restricting the ability of your blood vessels to expand, which raises blood pressure.
Pyridostigmine is useful to improve muscle strength in patients with a muscle disease (e.g. myasthenia gravis), thereby raises blood pressure.
Caffeine acts as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, improves strength of heartbeat, and heart rate. It temporarily stops drowsiness and restoring alertness.
Erythropoietin is for low blood pressure treatment, if the cause is anemia.
NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are
NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are useful primarily to treat inflammation, mild to moderate pain, and fever along with low blood pressure. If you are panic about medication’s side effects, you can alternatively manage with low blood pressure home remedies. Additionally, you can also consider trying low blood-pressure natural treatments.

Treatment for Low Blood Pressure

 If you are experiencing symptoms of hypotension, your doctor will usually recommend a treatment that  solves the root cause of your low blood pressure.

It is important to know the underlying cause of your hypotension in order to be prescribed the correct medication or avoid medication completely. The most common factors that contribute to low blood pressure are dehydration, diabetes, depression and hypothyroidism. If treatment is established for these disorders and the symptoms of low blood pressure still exist, your doctor will them prescribe a specialist hypotension medication.

Hypotension Medications

Medication For Low Blood Pressure
There are different many drugs used to treat low blood pressure.
Medication for low blood pressure is normally only given as a last resort if other treatments, diet and exercise do not work. Medicines used to help normalize the blood pressure depend on the  root cause of the hypertension. Here are some examples of medications that doctors may prescribe, how they work and any associated side effects.

Aspirin – Aspirin is well known for it’s ability to relieve the pain of headaches and reduce fever. Many people take an aspirin everyday to help reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

One side effect of taking aspirin is a small rise in blood pressure. This rise will only be small, this is why aspirin and other anti inflammatory drugs are used to treat only the mildest forms of hypotension.

Be careful when taking aspirin for hypotension, many cold and flu medications also contain aspirin, an overdose can be very problematic.

The rare but possible side effects of aspirin are, internal bleeding, renal damage, stomach sores, water retention, sickness skin rashes.

Eprex - Hypertension can be caused by a lack of red blood cells. Red blood cells make up a substance called hemoglobin, a reduced amount of hemoglobin causes the blood to be thinner, allowing it flow easier through blood vessels. This ease of flow causes low blood pressure. A person with a reduced amount of red blood cells will be classified as anemic.

Eprex kick starts the production of hemoglobin, this increases the amount of red blood cells, leading to higher blood density. Increased density means that the blood will not be able to flow as easily through blood vessels, this causes blood pressure to rise.

Side effects of Eprex can include lethargy, weakness, muscle pain and headaches.

Fludrocortison - Too much salt in the body and blood pressure levels will be high, too little and they will be low. Fludrocortison helps to regulate salt levels ensuring the body has the right amount it needs to maintain a normal blood pressure.

This drug also helps to increase the production of blood, more blood in the circulatory system helps to raise blood pressure levels.

Side effects of fludrocortison may include swollen joints, nausea, migraine and an increase in bodyweight.

Midodrine - Low blood pressure can be caused by blood vessels being too wide. Imagine connecting a tap to a hose, the pressure of the water coming from the hose can be increased by placing your thumb over the hose’s tip. By placing your thumb over the tip, you are reducing the amount of space the water has to flow out, this increases the pressure. The same is true for our circulatory system, reduce the amount of space the blood has to flow and the blood’s pressure will rise.

Midodrine causes the blood vessels to constrict and prevents them from expanding again, causing blood pressure levels to climb.

The side effects of midodrine can include heart palpitations, skin irritation, migraine, sleepiness and impaired vision.

Complimentary Medications

Sodium – More commonly know as salt, sodium has a constricting effect on blood vessels. Your doctor may prescribe sodium tablets or suggest that you add more salt to your meals. Sodium sports drink are also available, these are a convenient way of consuming extra sodium.

If you are going to increase your sodium intake be sure to use iodised salt. This is salt with the addition of iodine, iodine is necessary as too much sodium can have an adverse effect on the thyroid gland

Caffeine – Caffeine is the active ingredient in coffee, tea, cola and many other drinks. Caffeine pills are also available, these are very popular with students cramming for a test and night shift workers.

Caffeine can cause short term spikes in blood pressure levels. However, be careful, caffeine is a diuretic. Diuretics stimulate urination, sodium is expelled from the body through urination, losing too much sodium will actually lower blood pressure levels.

Other side effects of caffeine include, insomnia, hot flushes, jitters and lack of concentration.

I hope you have found this information about medication for hypotension useful. Please consult your doctor before starting any course of treatment.

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